- Why do they do this?The monotony ofnine-to-five, the fear of losing face if the other colleagues appearbusy, and the experience that hard work has not beenrecognized... 他们为什么要这样装忙呢?朝九晚五的生活太枯燥,害怕在其他同事面前丢脸,或者之前的辛苦未得到肯定,等等。
- We find that the leaders of the nation had chosen Ezra to read the Bible. Why did they do this? Why didn't they use the high priest Eliashib? 领袖们选择以斯拉阅读圣经。为什么呢?为什么不让大祭司以利沙读?
- Why do they behave the way they do? 他们为什么以那种方式行为处事?
- Why do they put people they don't want into a trashcan called "good friends"? 因为没有更加具像的词,也就是,说不出她有什么好。
- If they don't enjoy traveling in foreign countries,why do they spend money to make life miserable for themselves as well as for others? 如果他们不喜欢出国旅游,那他们干吗花钱给自己找罪受,还让别人受罪呢?
- Hey! See that? That dolphins are driving the shark off! But why did they do so? 克鲁德:嘿!你们看那!海豚把鲨鱼给打跑了。可是海豚为什么要救我们呢?
- Why do they want this? they're rolling in dollars. 他们要这干吗?他们有的是美元。
- Why do they want this?They're rolling in dollars. 他们要这个干嘛?他们有的是钱。
- Coach: Come on people, we are talking about pioneers, heading west, and wagon trains, why did they do it? 教练:同学们,早期的移民是驾着马车奔向西部,这样做为了什么?
- Why do they do it? 美国人为什么这样做呢?
- The instant you turn a friend's computer on, it's there: that strange arrangement of familiar parts (why do they do it like that?), the whole disorienting logic of a place you thought you knew. 你一打开朋友的电脑,就会发生这种情况:熟悉的部件,陌生的排列(他们干嘛这样?),整个迷失了这里的逻辑方向,还自以为认识这个地方。
- His niece."Why did they do it?"Fear for his soul."How much money has he got?" "He's got plenty."He must be eighty years old."Anyway I should say he was eighty. 他侄女。"干吗要把他放下来?"为他的灵魂担忧。"他有多少钱?"他有很多钱。"他准有八十岁喽。"不管怎样,我算准他有八十岁。
- Mary:>Why do they want to keep joggers from using this park? 玛莉:他们为什么要禁止慢跑的人使用这座公园?
- Why do you fix on me to do this work? 为什么你们要选定我来做这项工作?
- Klaus Baudelaire: How could they do this to us? 克劳斯:他们怎么能对我们这么做?
- I've got a question. Does anybody know why did they do it in the Hague in NL? I have to get on a bus passing by a refu ... 当众无理闹事他们应该会受到荷兰警察的管制,而且要是难民还这么猖狂恐怕没人愿意收留了吧.....
- Why did they have to go through this? 为什么要她们受此折磨。
- Idea 3: Mark and Kathleen manage to convince the hunters that Nessie doesn't exist! How do they do this? What happens next? 想法三:马克和凯萨琳成功地说服猎人尼西并不存在!他们是怎麽做到的?后来发生了什麽事?
- They do not clean their house this morning,do they? 他们今天早上没打扫房间,对吗?
- Why did they restrain themselves in this way? 为什麽要这样约束呢?